Event Photography — From $550.00
This rate includes 2 hours of unlimited image at your event location, you receive all images in Digital.
Additional hours of event coverage (beyond the 2 first hours) are $150.
Shootworks Photo Experience
Red Carpet/Custom Backdrop Red Carpet Media Lights/ Gold Poles and Colored Ropes
+ Media Professional Photographer/Instant Photo Sharing/ Red Carpet Interviews
STRETCH FABRIC: The Backdrop graphic is printed onto wrinkle-free tension fabric and fastened with a durable zip ensuring fantastic images for you and your clients.
CLOTH: premium quality wrinkle resistant tension cloth fabric is ideal for high end photo and video events because of its non reflective properties. Though the colors are not as vibrant as they are on vinyl, the fabric banner tends to have a more elegant look.
VINYL: Ideal for product photography, food photography, social media content & loads more. Durable & waterproof.
8ft x 8ft – Step & Repeat Banner STRETCH FABRIC CLOTH VINYL
3-hour package $800.00 $700.00 $500.00
+ Media (Instant Sharing/Interviews + 600.00 + 600.00 +600.00
10ft x 8ft – Step & Repeat Banner STRETCH FABRIC CLOTH VINYL
3-hour package $1200.00 $850.00 $650.00
+ Media (Instant Sharing/Interviews) + 600.00 +600.00 +600.00
12ft x 8ft – Step & Repeat Banner STRETCH FABRIC CLOTH VINYL
3-hour package $1050.00 $800.00
+ Media (Instant Sharing/Interviews) +600.00 +600.00
20ft x 8ft – Step & Repeat Banner STRETCH FABRIC CLOTH VINYL
3-hour package $2500.00 $1700.00 $1300.00
+ Media (Instant Sharing/Interviews) +600.00 +600.00 +600.00